Monday, October 5, 2009


So there we the baby doctor awaiting our turn for the ultra sound. I was afraid that I hadn't drank enough water, so as we waited, I continued filling up the little snow cone cup from the water cooler. Bad idea. Fact: ultrasound lady pushing on your belly while you have a full bladder is not the most comfortable situation.
As the story goes, Jason made her re-check that there was only one baby inside of me. Just one. One really, super cute little girl!! She was waving hello to us, kicking, stretching, and we even got to see her do a sommersault!! We were glad to see she's having so much fun in there:).
We were both sooooo excited! We didn't have time to shop together after the appointment, so I decided that I couldn't wait and went out and bought her some little shoes!
Jason's buying a shot gun.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha I LOVE THIS!

    I am going to love being your blog buddy!
    Jason cracks me up.
